Conscious SHIFT Therapy
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Conscious SHIFT Therapy
Durango based clinical health counselor in adventure based psychology

About Jenny

Jenny Rogers has lived in Durango, Colorado, for the past 25 years, and understands the delicate balance of maintaining wholeness,  mental health, and physical well-being. She has a Masters in Science from Prescott College in Adventure-Based Psychology in Clinical Mental Health and is a licensed professional counselor. Her passion is to guide others in their own personal journeys to find comfort and compassion within themselves. Techniques include nature based mindfulness practices, narrative therapy, and existential counseling within both outdoor and indoor settings. Come experience the journey in healing! 


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Womans Empowerment

Womans Empowerment

Intentional Week of Healing

Intentional Week of Healing

Therapaddle on Lake Nighthorse

Therapaddle on Lake Nighthorse

Garden Fresh Caprese

Garden Fresh Caprese

Art in the Park for Solstice week

Art in the Park for Solstice week

Putting the Soul into an Art Attack in the park

Putting the Soul into an Art Attack in the park

Art Therapy

Art Therapy
